7 Tips for Travelling with a Newborn Baby

Newborn, Newborn Photoshoots Kent

It might be a little difficult to travel with a newborn, but if you prepare ahead of time and keep calm, it can go well for you and the newborn. There are certain essential tips to make your trip easier, whether you’re flying or travelling. A little planning goes a long way, from packing the necessary items to making sure the baby is comfortable.   

  Tips for Travelling with a Newborn Baby

Your travel may be made much more manageable with a little effort. Here are some tips for keeping your baby safe and happy while in the air, along with things to consider before you fly.   


1. Save A Spot  


If you can afford it, buy an airline ticket for your infant. This is safer and usually more convenient for you to bring a car seat and strap the baby in since you will have a safe, familiar place to put the baby instead of having to hold a squirmy infant on your lap for the entire journey.  


2. Prep Your Liquids, Formula and Breast Milk  


It takes some preparation to prepare a newborn’s drinks, whether it’s formula, breast milk, or juice, when travelling with them. Bring ready-to-feed bottles or a dispenser with pre-measured powder and water to mix the formula. If you’re nursing, use ice packs to keep the milk cold and pump and store it in bags or containers that won’t leak. Keep in mind that TSA permits babies to consume bigger amounts of liquids, so declare them for screening at security.  


3. Avoid Boarding Boredom.  



Consider your options carefully before pre-boarding, even if you are travelling with a baby. You may get seated rather than waiting in a huge queue of people, but you’ll have to keep your infant occupied from your seat while the others board. The ideal plan is to have your partner carry your baggage ahead of you as you and your infant stroll through the open terminal.   


4. Pack For Playtime.   


To keep things interesting while you and your infant are flying, pack a few of your child’s favourite toys and books along with a few new ones.   


5. Ease The Pressure in Their Ears.   


Arrange the feedings for landing and departure. Your baby’s ear pressure will be at its highest during that time, and swallowing can help reduce it.   


6. Seek Help.   

  Tips for Travelling with a Newborn Baby

Airlines are used to carrying young families, so you’re not only the first person to travel with a baby. Therefore, it is quite normal to ask a flight attendant to warm up a bottle for you if your infant refuses to drink from a cold one.   


7. Pack Safely.   


Make sure that your baby cannot get anything that should be out of their reach, such as tempting but hazardous drugs and other essentials that you must store separately in plastic bags for safety reasons. Make sure your carry-on baggage is securely locked and zipped shut to prevent your child from accessing them.   




Travelling with a baby doesn’t have to be an unpleasant one if you prepare properly. You can enjoy the travel while making sure your infant is safe and secure. Keep in mind that every journey is an opportunity to learn, so enjoy the trip and take things one step at a time!   








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